Gaining more with Gratitude
Hi !
There are so many popular catch phrases and memes out in the digital and real world, that some of them are at the risk of being overlooked since they are used so much.
Think about some that you may have heard a million times:
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
"Action speak
louder than words."
"The early bird catches the worm."
The unfortunate part of these sayings is that many people forget that sitting with the meanings in deep ways and embodying them is what is really important.
People often do the same with religious prayers (or other types of prayers), repeating the words from rote memory and calling it a day.
When you take the time to really feel into what you are asking for, it makes your prayers
much more powerful.
Instead of relying on mostly your intellect to ask for things, adding more emotional and spiritual energy enhances what you desire.
You add a higher
vibration, which always comes back in your life.
Gratitude is one of the most powerful frequencies available to you.
The more you embody it, the more
things in your life to be grateful for come to you.
It's just that easy and also so difficult.
Your unconscious has a habit of hijacking your operating system and keeps
you believing more in what you lack.
When this happens, you may SAY you are grateful for what you have, but deep down you are more focused on what you lack and fear you may never get it or that you don't have enough of it.
This is very common with money and people who seek romantic relationships.
A big key to switch this around is to first develop self-honesty that this is happening.
From there, you can realize
that you can both want other things and people in your life and at the same time be unattached and neutral about you ever receiving them, when they will come, and how they will come.
In order to do that, it's important to be filled with loving all the parts of yourself and feeling into compassion and forgiveness for yourself and
everyone in your life from the past and present.
From there, it's much easier to embody gratitude.
Another booster is to talk to yourself and others as if you're
grateful and behave like it as well.
Play your sport with gratitude.
Spend your money with gratitude.
Breathe with gratitude.
Embody gratitude- physically, mentally, emotionally, behaviorally.
Just like what I wrote way above, "Actions speak louder than words."
You can do it and as always, I'm here for you to help you if and when you need.
truly grateful for you.