Free exercise to help optimize your life
Hi !
I recently had a session with a budding soccer player and we went through an exercise I typically introduce to all my athletes and clients in general.
During coaching sessions, one of the areas I focus on is called Transcendental Awareness.
This is the
understanding that you (and everyone) are a spiritual being having a human experience and that you are made up of energy.
Similarly to the dimmer switch for a light, you essentially have that same characteristic.
Simply put- certain things you do lower your frequency, whether that happens to be
what you put into your body (processed foods and beverages),
what you are doing with your body (too much
screen time, lack of exercise)
unhealthy thought patterns and behaviors, etc.
All these things, no matter how big or small, lower your frequency, which hold you back from
better and more optimal performance, whether you are an athlete, parent, partner, human, whatever.
When you step into your power and realize you have more control over your frequency than you realize, you learn to apply different methods to help you push that dimmer switch up so you shine more brightly.
Just as you plug your phone in to charge it up so you can use it, you can do the same for yourself by developing a practice.
All it takes is a couple minutes and the ability to breathe and
also the discipline to enhance yourself.
You do it for your electronics so you can use them, why not do the same for yourself?
Yes, you're busy but once you insert or
replace these five minutes to your daily routine consistently, you'll feel and see the results.
Try it in the morning and right before going to bed, that's when I do it.
It's like programming yourself.
It's free and doesn't take very long.
Or you can spend more charging yourself up if you choose....the
benefit is for you and those you come in contact with.
Click on the video below to check it out.