Knowledge to help you on your journeyHi ! Support from others is so crucial to help us expand awareness. Often, help comes from mentors, educators, therapists, and of course coaches. I'm sure you found that certain texts you came across on your journey
helped you reach a new level of consciousness and gave you "ah ha" moments. I wanted to pass on four books to you in hope that they support you, as they did for me, and that are foundations in my work and all my programs and healing modalities:
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
This book kept staring at me from a distance for several months before I finally went up and introduced myself to it. Reading this
set me on my path of awakening and came at an ideal time in my life. It changed the trajectory of my thoughts- not taking as much personally, being mindful of the power of my words, doing my best at all times, and don't assume anything...all a work in progress.
Transforming Your Dragons: How To Turn Fear Patterns Into Personal Power by Jose Luis Stevens PhD.
Written by one of my teachers, who is a Clinical Psychologist and Shamanic Practitioner, this book delves deeply into the different ways ego manifests in individuals: Arrogance, self-deprecation, greed, self-destruction, impatience, martyrdom, and stubbornness. In the book, Jose gives insight into the circumstances in childhood that happen that lead to the particular "dragons", and also what it takes to rid yourself of them.
Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find--And Keep--Love by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller
Everyone has an attachment style, which is based on the secure or insecure connections they had with their earliest caretakers. This book dissects the three main styles- secure, avoidant, and anxious, which helps you understand yourself and your current (or future) partner much better, which leads to a more fulfilling and trusting relationship.
Why We Sleep, Unlocking The Power of Sleep and Dreams by Matthew Walker, PhD.
Ever wonder how fish sleep? You'll never look at the nighttime ritual the same again after reading this book! Sleep is
one of the only things you actually need in this world to stay alive. The information in here touches on the physical, mental, and psychological benefits to having good and consistent sleep hygiene. Walker lays out the best practices for you to obtain quality sleep so
you can thrive in this world, not just survive.
Happy reading! Much love and Pura Vida! Gabe Nosseir Transformative Coach |