Letting go with the power of the FULL MOON
Hi !
You, like many others, probably felt some deep emotions the last several days.
This is no accident.
The Full Moon on Sunday was extremely powerful and had the energy of completions in your life.
The completions are for you to ponder of course and likely had to do with your old ways of being and thinking as well as patterns you kept replicating, which are no longer serving you.
It's easy to point fingers, to blame, deflect, or project onto others...
or to try and ignore or self-medicate, seeking dopamine hits from your vices.
But, in reality every deep emotion you experience has nothing to do with others, except for the fact that they trigger you and that your highest self hopes you work through whatever is coming up and to release it.
It takes sitting with those deep emotions, as uncomfortable as that is.
Then it takes having complete honesty with yourself
about those thoughts, patterns, and beliefs.
As a way of protecting yourself, your ego will lie to you and tell you it is about others.
This only holds you back and you will keep living from your false-self, which only leads you into egocentric behaviors.
As you know, based on my previous
newsletters, this will all come up again at some point in your life, with the lessons more painful and challenging.
Once you admit your suffering is all to do with you, then you can tap into your inner child to start the healing process...
and thank those you felt triggered by for showing you what needs to be healed.
You don't actually need to verbalize this- you can just send that energy of gratitude.
Once you do that, the challenging part comes:
the discipline to operate from your highest-self and the awareness of when those old patterns potentially resurface.
The whole process is a slow unwinding until you finally source enough love from yourself and forgive yourself and others for everything you decided to see in you and them...
It's not easy, and is extremely powerful once you're on the other side.
I encourage you to dig deep and do the work- for your current and future family, society, friends, your ancestors, and most importantly...
You can do it!
I'm always here for you if you need.